free portfolio web templates

About Us


Our Vision

To differentiate ourselves in the industry by offering world class services to our clients enabling them to establish and expand their brands. 


Our Objective

To provide Point of Purchase and print Solutions of cutting edge design and quality. We provide our clients with superior service, products and turnaround times that are unmatched in the industry.
Whatever your business needs we can provide a total solution from Concept to Delivery.


Empowerment Policy

We are a 100% Black Owned organisation accredited with a level 1B-BEE Rating with a score of 105%.

Our staff compliment comprises 99% inclusion of previously disadvantaged individuals.

Team work and effective communication are vital in understanding the needs and expectations of both staff and clients.


Social Upliftment

We have always strived to shoulder our share of community responsibility. We do so by sponsoring projects for various sporting, cultural and religious organisations.

This active involvement has brought a renewed sense of value and humanity to all that we pledge to do.